Thursday, August 22, 2013

Canoeing Adventures in Grayling

Last weekend our canoe ended up in more trees than I can count on both hands. I was in front and can’t tell you how tangled I got. We repeatedly made the mistake of paddling even harder whenever it looked like we were going to run into something, trying to right ourselves, when it actually just pushed us into the obstacles at a faster rate, thus shoving me deep into tree after tree after tree. I had all sorts of leaves and bark and branches down my bathing suit, my floppy hat was whisked off by branches numerous times, and at one point even Michael took some branches to the face.
After canoeing, at the Ogemaw County fair monster truck mud bogs

He’d get mad because as we swiftly headed toward another tree, I would resign to our fate and duck to protect myself rather than try to prevent what was about to happen. But each time, I knew there was no stopping us! Then we’re sideways in the river, trying to straighten out, suddenly floating backwards, etc. It was a mess. As funny as it was, we were both getting frustrated, but managed to keep our cool with each other. I kept telling him I love him so that when my directions unintentionally came out a little bossy, he wouldn't think I was getting mad at him.

With open arms, we welcomed the break about halfway through the trip. We all pulled up to a picnic area on shore and had some snacks while we chilled for a bit. It must have been good for us because Michael and I were the first pushed off from shore, and unlike the first leg of the trip, we were in front the entire time and even managed to leave everyone else in our wake! Where before we were second-to-last so that Nic and Tonya (last) could help us out of trees and off of logs, this time we cruised down the river with precision, leaving Mom and Dad, Nic and Tonya, and Lucie in her kayak all behind.

We managed to master the art of turning by inserting the paddle into the water and pushing backward, which also helped in slowing down when we started to head in a direction we wanted to avoid. Our only blunder during the entire second leg was when we came to the end of the trip and wanted to row up to shore. There were several kayaks on shore, blocking our way, so we ended up going a little further than we wanted and I had to hop out and try to pull the canoe slightly up-stream. Then we sat and waited a good TEN MINUTES for everyone else to arrive – that’s how smoothly things went!

It was great fun and quite the adventure, but Michael and I decided that next time we’ll take kayaks!